#9 - YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ME (Sabrás qué hacer conmigo) by Katina Medina Mora

On the surface, this tale of a man and a woman in their thirties falling in love doesn't look original or particularly exciting. Yet, in the end, YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ME is a strikingly genuine representation of blooming romance that remains carefully balanced and never exceeds its melodramatic aspect despite the many opportunities it might have had to do so. 

KATINA MEDINA MORA is also ingenious in portraying the story through a simple narrative structure that makes all the differnce - instead of editing the story of the pivotal characters' own viewpoints together, she first examines the romantic tale from the man's point of view and then the woman - with a third half then focusing on the couple as an item. This surprisingly adds a coating of mystery to the the story of the film, but also seems to pay tribute to the vulnerabile nature of love, as well as its almost healing nature, given its careful examination of the characters as people dealing with very earthly and very real problems in their day to day life. 

Furthermore, the three parts are defined by the way in which they are shot, each one using a different approach in cinematpgraphy, but these stylistic touches are far from being disturbing and yet enrich the viewing experience and enhance the dramatic impact of the film very subtly in a meaningful way. 

ILSE SALAS and PABLO DERQUI in the two leading roles share good, credible chemistry, that helps make YOU WILL KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH ME all the more impactful and one of the most genuine examples of romantic dramas of recent years.