DELIVER US FROM EVIL (2006) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - Amy Berg


"AMY BERG's DELIVER US FROM EVIL is a powerful exposé on the touchy subject concerning child abuse and the Catholic Church. It takes the story of Father O'Grady, a priest who was moved to several parishes in the US throughout the seventies to cover up his rapes of dozens of children, as a starting point to examine the more general controversial situiation of the Catholic Church policy of covering up such scandals. 

DELIVER US FROM EVIL is by no means an easy watch. Its power is dictated by raw, human emotions more than fancy investigative approaches. This is provided by contributions by people who were directly affected by and victims of such forms of abuse. 

But its unsettling nature is enhanced by the documentary's centrepiece - a lengthy interview with O'Grady as he roams free in his native land of Ireland, and reflects upon what he did. This truly shines a different light on the topic, and provides a more complete depiction of the psychological aspect of its subject matter."


Documentary, USA