THE SOCIAL NETWORK (2010) - ♦♦♦♦

Directed by - David Fincher
Written by - Aaron Sorkin (based on a book by Ben Mezrich)
Starring - Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield, Justin Timberlake
"The true story of the youngest billionaire ever, Mark Zuckerberg, whose social networking site Facebook brought his success but led to different personal and legal complications. Fincher has to be admired for bringing such a complicated story about one of the most important revolutions in communication to the screen in a commercially appealing manner. Despite a slow start, the only thing that is remotely disappointing is perhaps the all too linear and straight forward way with which this film adapts itself to the book on which it was based. Nevertheless, the edgy look and technical competence employed in The Social Network is really admirable and Jesse Eisenberg’s performance is truly impressive."
Biopic, USA